Pics Galore!!!!
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Photo Gallery

Okay.. so I really haven't done anything with my site in AGES!!! and i mean AGES... but i'm uploading some photos for my own sake.. so... shwateva

I don't know who this hot chick is... but i'd do her...

Summer Outings with Lesley!

Brit went to the Mueseum

Jace and I had a webcam dress up night... that was way too much fun!

another dress up photo

I always manage to get pictures of myself mid-sentence...

From my last night at Burly World!

Misty is pretty much the coolest thing ever...

Depot Crew... minus Cindy Lou!!

Irwin Adventures will live on... just in different places...

This is me stealing Laura at the end of the year last year

Too much fun with a web cam can kill a person