Jazzy Jazz? Oh its jazzy alright...
  Click Here Over And Over | Theres something to sign here... | Pictures of Randomness  


Okay.. this summer was really actually very very boring.  And thats pretty much all I have to say about that.

And now that I'll be moving back into baker in like a week.... I had a random idea to update my out-of-date website...

hey its free .. and it gives me something to do...




Baker w00t!!

Here's a corkboard to add random crappy messages too...



Whats cookin?!

There shall be pictures of friends!

Pictures of adventures galore!

And then I'll put random crappy pictures on there like I always do.. you know what to expect...

I need a good topic for here...

I used to have a singles page... which was funny... but nobody at baker would understand that..



JoHn FoRd'S tHoUgHt Of ThE wEeK

College causes brain damage....